TCB-1: 72nd Anniversary of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations celebrated

To further enhance friendly cultural exchange between Chinese and their Pakistani colleagues and deepen understanding and friendship between the two nations, Thar Coal Block-1 Power Generation Company (TCB-1) organized an event with the theme “Solidarity and Everlasting Friendship”.

The event was celebrated on May 26th to commemorate the 72nd Anniversary of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations, as well as the 10th anniversary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), according to TCB-1’s official social media platform.

TCB-1 stated that the company has actively implemented the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), participated in the construction of CPEC, and closely cooperated with “Pak-China” in sharing burdens and achievements, fulfilling social responsibilities, spreading positive energy, and demonstrating the power of friendship between China and Pakistan through practical actions.

Over the years, TCB-1 has actively carried out and participated in local livelihood projects in Pakistan, assisting in the social and economic development of the local communities, creating employment opportunities, promoting local economic growth, and improving the living standards of the Pakistani people. The company has also been actively engaged in local charitable donations, disaster relief efforts, and other social responsibility activities, establishing a positive social image for Chinese companies in Pakistan.

In the future, the company will continue to uphold the tradition of friendship, deepen practical cooperation, strengthen the bond between the peoples of both countries, contribute to local economic and social development through concrete actions, and work together to create a better future.

The 1320MW Thar Coal Block-I 7.8 mtpa and Power Plant (2×660MW) (Shanghai Electric) was completed on February 5, 2023. Shanghai Electric Power Company Limited is the executing company, with CCTEG and Sino Sindh Resources Pvt. Limited as sponsors of the project, which is currently operational.